The Derricos Divine9!

The Derricos Divine9!

Las Vegas parents settle into life with 9 children

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -Las Vegas parents settle into life with 9 children
Written by Jon Castagnino

If you think the holidays around your house can get a little out of control, the Derrico family may put things in perspective for you.

Their Las Vegas residence holds a family of 11, two parents and nine children, featuring a set of three-month-old quintuplets.

It's nothing short of Christmas chaos between all the bottles, books, cribs and diapers, but parents Deon and Evonne Derrico somehow pull it off.

"When I write my book it's going to be titled, 'Do Not Try This At Home'," Evonne Derrico said. 
"Personal time, we have given that up," Deon Derrico said.

To watch the video, click on this link.

The children and their ages are as follows: daughter Darian (7), son Derrick (2), twin sons Denver and Dallas (2); quintuplets (3 months old) son Deniko, son Dariz, daughter Deonee, daughter Daician and daughter Daitin.

"The best part is when I get a break," said the oldest, Darian.
The quints are fed every three hours and changed every two hours.

A massive stack thousands of diapers in the corner of their nursery will disappear in about two months.
"We both said we wanted a large family, but never anticipating this overnight thing," Deon Derrico said. 

They were hoping to only add a fifth child, but when an ultrasound revealed the naturally-conceived quintuplets, Deon Derrico passed out.
"That was sort of like a natural response," he said.

The quints were born Sept. 6 2013 without any major health issues, but the babies head to doctor appointments about every two weeks.

A regimented system keeps order around the home, but the holidays, specifically a trip to Thanksgiving dinner, have presented challenges.

"We double-changed three babies, two poopies, one spit-up. We finally got all the kids in the car, my wife and I look at each other and we didn't have our shoes on. We forgot our shoes," said Deon Derrico.

FOX5 was told everyone in the house is on the nice list this year.
"Santa's gotta come fully loaded," said Evonne Derrico.

Of course they're also wondering if Santa will have enough gifts to go around. Television shows such as The View and The Steve Harvey Show have donated items to the family.

The Derricos will appear on the Today show next week.
For the time being, their biggest expense is medical bills, which total nearly $1,000 per month.

To learn more about the family you can check out their website.
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